Southern California Continental Pageant
At Southern California Continental (SCC), the candidates final scores are based on an accumulation of points from each Category. The Candidate with the highest score at the end of the Pageant will be deemed the winner.
If there is a tie at the end of the night, meaning that 2 contestants have the exact same score at the end of the Pageant, the tie is broken by the contestant that won the Talent Category.
1st CATEGORY - Group Interview
25 points max per judge (total of 125 points max)
Please dress for success for this category - dress as if you are going to an interview for a job. This category is conducted prior to the start of the Pageant. All Contestants (per Division) will be seated in front of the entire judging panel. The judges will ask questions to the group or to an individual contestant
** For the Miss Division, contestants are not required to be in make up but still need to be dressed for success
** Interview Criteria: The judges will be basing their scores on are how you present yourself. Additionally, they will be looking at how you answer the questions that are asked of you (thoughtfulness, completeness in response, knowledgable of content), how engaged you are (actively listening/responding), allowing others to respond (not monopolizing entire time)
** This category is timed and will last 25 minutes
2nd and 3rd CATEGORIES: Gown (Miss)/Formalwear (Mr) and Onstage Q&A
Gown/Formalwear (40 points max/judge-200 points max) / Onstage Q&A (40 point max/judge - 200 point max)
These 2 categories will run concurrently. The Contestant will come out on stage, model their Gown/Formalwear and when done, the Promoter will come to the stage with a handful of envelopes. The contestant will choose an envelope, the question inside will be read to the contestant twice by the Promoter and the contestant will have a chance to read the question for themselves prior to responding. The response from each contestant is not timed
**Gown/Formalwear Criteria: Overall Look, Poise and Presentation from Contestant, Presentation as formal (not theatrical/costume)
** Onstage Q&A Criteria: Intelligence, Thoughtfulness and Completeness of Answer, Poise while answering
4th CATEGORY - Swimwear
25 points max per judge (total of 125 points max)
The contestant will come out on stage, model their Swimwear and when done, will exit the stage
**Swimwear Criteria: Selection of swimwear, fit and style, poise, personality, confidence while modeling and presentation
5th CATEGORY - Talent
60 points max per judge (total of 300 points max)
This category will be timed. Each contestant will have 5 minutes to get on stage and complete their talent performance. It is strongly recommended that you do not use any props, unless the props are able to be carried on and off with zero set up time
**Talent Criteria: Critique will be given to the artistic achievement of song, dance, comedy, costume, special effects, complexity of performance. Every aspect of the talent performance will be assessed (if using dancers, actors, etc...what they do, how they perform, what they are wearing will be judged as well)